Tips to Choosing a Mattress that is Best for You

Whether you are looking to replace your mattress or buy one for your new Wallbeds “n” More wallbed, it’s important that you spend some time on picking out the right mattress. Benefits of a New Mattress  A new mattress has many psychological and physiological benefits....

A Good Night’s Sleep Improves Happiness

A recent study by the National Centre for Social Research determined that a good night’s sleep is the key to happiness. Conclusive evidence of more than 8000 British participants revealed that quality of sleep is directly related to a person’s well-being. According to...

Murphy Wallbeds for Teens and Kids

Wallbeds “n” More is pleased to provide wallbeds for every member of the home. Our desk beds and sofa beds offer two-in-one solutions for added space and versatility. Murphy beds with piers and cabinets create an entire living solution for added space to display...

What Your Sleep Position Reveals About Your Personality

Sleep, it’s one of the basic necessities of life next to food and water. Some of us sleep on our backs, some find comfort on our stomachs, some prefer sleeping on our sides, and some prefer a combination of sleep positions for a deep night’s rest. Add in...

Quality Wallbed Mattresses

Wallbeds “n” More constantly strives to bring you the best products and we are extremely happy to offer you a full range of high-quality mattresses for all sleeping preferences – firm, soft or foam. These mattresses are so comfortable that sometimes our customers...